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160406 Easter Donation Drive 2016 (April – June)

Venue: Singapore

We would like to thank everyone for your support of our Purely Food 2016. We have concluded our Donation Drive on a very successful note, exceeding our target of $4,800 and collecting a total of $5,538!

The money raised will be used to provide 3 months supply of rice, minced meat and eggs for our 5 Angelic stray feeders. They are the ones who help feed the stray dogs, rain or shine. Each of them will receive 250 kg of Rice, 300 Eggs and 4 cartons of Nature Gifts canned food.

The stray feeders are: 1. Mei Mei 2. Lee Chew 3. Bee Lian 4. Kie Kyl 5. Shindy Lam

Thank you for your generous donations: 1. Sarah Ng $800 2. Bek Jia En $50 3. Jasmin Ong $100 4. Charles Choi $100 5. Teresa Tan $100 7. Angeline Lim $150 8. Anonymous $100 9. Joanne Tay $100 10. Susan Lee $100 11. Jennifer Lee $50 12. Anonymous $200 13. Maryna Pysarchuk $500 14. We are the Furballs (WTF). $200 15.Teo Yong Choo $200 16. Lee Yung Chee $20 17. Angie Chin $100 18. Eilke. $120 19. Wong Li Wun $100 20. Woo Chew Wee $100 21. Dr Theresa. $500 22. PetExpo. $768 23. Koh Hwee Kiang $500 24. Bek Jia En. $100 25. Susanna Lim. $250 26. Leong Cho Yue $30 Thank you all of you for you generous donations, without which our Purely Food 2016 could not have succeeded. All these food donation is made possible because of you. The food are brought to our stray feeders over 3 months, April, May and June.

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