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Cow and Junior

Other puppies

Cow and Junior were rescued from a vacant factory in Penjuru. There were many other dogs waiting to be rescued and we were quite packed with our rescued dogs. However, we could not turn a blind eyes to these pitiful puppies.

31 May 2014: We spotted Junior, and took action promptly after receiving a confirmation from our fosterer. We put the leash on Junior and that was when we spotted a black and white puppy approaching us and standing alongside Junior. His body language seems to be pleading for us to take him in as well because he wanted to protect Junior.

You must be wondering if we were serious or how could we tell. Oddly, but quite certainly, we could feel in our heart that this lovely male puppy really wanted to leave with us, or with Junior to be exact. We called up our fosterer Lynn to check if she could take in 2 puppies. She did not want to separate the lovely couple as well and agreed to take in both of them.


We decided to name the black and white male puppy "Cow" and the brown female puppy "Junior". It was simple for Cow; he resembles one. As for Junior, all we wanted after skipping lunch to rescue the dogs was to have a hearty meal and Carl's Jr (an American Fast Food Chain selling gigantic burgers) came into our mind. Eureka, why not just name the dog that!

Going to Fosterer’s Place


En route to Lynn's place, we realised that Cow kept leaning against Junior in the cage. Instinctively, we knew we were right; they were clearly in love. Usually, stray animals that are rescued will jump around in the cage. Instead, Cow and Junior were quiet throughout, peacefully enjoying the journey. However, the affectionate look on Junior and reassuring touches of Cow definitely elucidate their joy at being rescued together.

All seems well as we brought them to the Fosterer. We arranged a customary visit to the vet and that is when we received a shocking piece of news. Cow and Junior were diagnosed with Parvo Virus, a highly contagious virus that is spread from dog to dog. Those diagnoses with the virus can have a mortality rate as high as 91%. The dogs rescued by other groups were also down with the same virus.


We were shocked when the vet broke the news to us. We had high anticipation of finding a good home for them before this. However, we have to do what was necessary. Reluctantly, we separated Cow and Junior as Cow needed to be hospitalised due to more severe condition. Junior was given antibiotics and handed to her new Fosterer Jenn while Cow was sent to the Vet for his treatment and was entrusted to Fosterer Lynn.

Cow was hospitalised with Drip

Cow was hospitalised for 2 days before we decided to treat him at home due to the high medical bills. During his stay at the hospital, we brought Junior to visit Cow. Junior refused to leave Cow's ward and Cow was struggling to break free from the cage to meet Junior. It really shatters our heart to see this Romeo and Juliet duo. However, we know this is necessary to nurse Cow back to health again. As I stroked Junior, trying to calm her down, I reassured her of my promise to keep them together after Cow was discharged.

"You'll need to leave this ward with me so that we can visit Cow again."

Some may not understand my love for Dogs but it is stories like this that makes me more affectionate of them.

They are grateful, compassionate and thankful.

30 June 2014: We brought Cow and Junior for check up and they were tested negative for Parvo Virus. After completing 2 weeks and a short course of antibiotics each, respectively, they have fully recovered!

Their medical bills were over $600, and we are very grateful to those who had donated and contributed to Cow and Junior's medical expenses. Thank you Melissa Tan, Jacqueline Khoo and an anonymous donor, we really appreciate your help in making their lives a better one.


Keeping true to my promise, I searched for a fosterer who could take in both dogs and to my delight, I found Sumathi.

"Send the couple over"

And that was all that I needed to hear before heading over with the dogs.


We started looking for a home for them, for a family who was willing to adopt both. There were a few families who were interested but we decided to wait for one who could take in both. We brought them to the Adoption Drive, with a hopeful heart that such a family will turn up.

However, enquiries were for one or the other.


Time was running out and it will be increasingly tough to find adopters as Junior and Cow would soon grow out of their cuteness. We made the difficult decision and finally selected two potential adopters from the list of enquirers.

15 June 2014: Cow got adopted by Lizane and B.H. Van Den Bergand

1 August 2014: Lynn, our initial fosterer decided to take Junior

While we were disappointed that we failed to find adopters willing to take the both of them, we were glad that they were now living in a home with adopters who really loved them.

At the very least, they are now safe and secure, and the stray life they had once live can now be history.

We are Purely for Adoptions and signing off with joy that we are part of a wonderful love story of a couple dog.

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